Ecommerce Store for Canadian Artist


Client: Lucysky Studio
Location: Quebec, Canada
Developed By: BXTrack Solutions

Technologies Used:

  • WordPress: The core platform that powers the website, providing a robust content management system.
  • JavaScript: Enhances the interactivity and dynamic features of the site.
  • HTML/CSS: The foundational building blocks that shape the website's structure and design.

Lucysky Studio, nestled in the heart of Old Quebec, is not just an e-commerce platform but an embodiment of artistic expression. The website is a harmonious blend of art and commerce, offering a diverse range of products from intricate art prints to contemporary clothing and chic accessories. Designed with a modern aesthetic, the site provides an immersive shopping experience, drawing visitors into the world of Lucysky Studio.

How BXTrack Solutions Helped Lucysky Studio:

Customized E-commerce Solution: We developed a tailored e-commerce platform that catered specifically to the unique needs of Lucysky Studio. This ensured that the website was not just functional but also resonated with the brand's artistic ethos.

  • Multilingual Integration: Recognizing the diverse audience base of Lucysky Studio, we integrated a bilingual feature, allowing the website to cater to both French and English-speaking visitors seamlessly.

  • Optimized User Experience: Through meticulous design and development, we ensured that the website offered an intuitive shopping experience. From product browsing to checkout, every step was optimized for ease and efficiency.

  • Digital Marketing Strategy: Beyond just website development, we assisted Lucysky Studio in formulating a digital marketing strategy. This helped in driving more traffic to the site and increasing sales conversions.

  • Ongoing Support: Our relationship with Lucysky Studio didn't end with the website launch. We've been providing ongoing technical support, ensuring the website runs smoothly and stays updated with the latest e-commerce trends.

By partnering with BXTrack Solutions, Lucysky Studio not only got a state-of-the-art e-commerce platform but also a digital partner committed to their growth and success.

Technologies Used:

  • WordPress: The core platform that powers the website, providing a robust content management system.
  • JavaScript: Enhances the interactivity and dynamic features of the site.
  • HTML/CSS: The foundational building blocks that shape the website's structure and design.

    Technology Breakdown: